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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the admission requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program?

You can find the admission requirements, which are renewed every year, in the OSYM guide.

What is the number of student quotas in the Department of Business Administration undergraduate program?

The number of student quotas is determined by OSYM and may vary. For information about the quotas, you can          follow the OSYM page.

What are the student clubs associated with the department?

You can get information from

Do I Have to do an Internship?

Internship in our department is voluntarily. There is no obligation to do an internship.

Is it possible to go abroad with exchange programs during education?

You can go to Erasmus, Mevlana, and Farabi programs when the necessary conditions are met.

How can I access the contents of the courses in the department lesson plans?

You can view the Undergraduate Course Contents of the Department of Business Administration at

How can I reach instructors?

You can access the information about the Department of Business Administration faculty members by clicking on the link: You can also contact the relevant faculty member via the contact information on their page.

Is the language of instruction in the Bachelor of Business Administration Program Turkish or English?

30% of the courses in the Department of Business Administration are in English. It is not an entirely Turkish program. For this reason, English preparatory reading is mandatory. After the first registration process, the English exam is taken on the date determined and announced, and then the faculty classes start after the preparation is read. For detailed information about the English preparation process, you can check the web page of Yıldız Technical University Vocational School of Foreign Languages and follow the calendars related to the exam to be held there.

What are the graduate programs of the department?

You can find detailed information about the graduate programs in the Department of Business Administration on the Yıldız Technical University Social Sciences Institute website.

How is the first registration process done?

The first registration procedures are carried out by our Faculty on the dates specified in the ÖSYM placement document. Students who have won our faculty can access the information and documents required for registration on the web page of our Faculty and University. Registrations are made face-to-face or via the e-Government system. Students who do not want to register via e-government can also do so in person within the registration dates with the documents published on our page.

What should be done during the registration renewal process?

Course registration must be done in Obs. Students who exceed the program duration (Associate-Bachelor-Graduate) are charged a student contribution for each semester in the first education.

Does the student who does not re-register for one semester continue to be a student in the following semester?

Yes, it does.

What happens if the registration is not renewed within the period?

Registration renewal must be done within the periods specified in the Academic Calendar. Each semester without registration renewal is counted as the maximum period of study.

Where can we learn about registration renewal, midterm, final, and other exam dates?

You can access the academic calendar, which includes registration renewal, final and other exam dates, at The dates of the midterm exams are determined as the 8th week of each semester as the midterm week, and there will be no undergraduate and graduate courses in the 8th week.

Should the failed course be taken first during registration renewal?

It is necessary to take the compulsory course with priority.

I need help finding the courses I registered with a petition during the add-delete week on OBS. My name is missing from the course signature list; what can I do?

Adding and deleting courses are added to the system with the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. After your course changes are approved, you can get information from our Dean's Office.

Is there an upper limit for the total credit hours of the courses that can be taken in a semester?

Regardless of their education period, all students can take a maximum of 25 credits (local) courses in a semester, provided that the courses do not overlap. The Weighted Grade Point Average (CGPA) is calculated over local credit. Students with an AGNO of 3.00 and above can take courses up to 28 credits.

How much of a course does the student have to attend during the semester?

It is obligatory to attend at least 70% of the theoretical courses and at least 80% of all kinds of practical work other than the theoretical course.

What happens if he upgrades the course he has passed and fails that course?

The most recent grade will be valid.

The course I take from the bottom coincides with the semester course. What should I do in this situation?

You must first take your compulsory course from below. You cannot take overlapping courses.

Can I take advanced classes in the fall and spring semesters?

The undergraduate students whose CGPA is below 2.00 for two consecutive semesters cannot take courses from the upper semesters. This rule is applied from the beginning of the fifth semester.
1st-year students cannot take courses from 3rd and 4th grades, and 2nd-grade students cannot take courses from 4th grade.

Can I retake a course I've already passed to upgrade it?

Yes, you can.

Can I change the course(s) I have taken during the course registration period during the add-drop week?

Students can delete the courses they have taken during the registration period or add new ones during the add-drop week specified in the academic calendar.

Is it possible to enter the final without taking the midterm exam?

Yes. Students who cannot take the midterm exam can take the final exam. Midterm exam grade -0- (zero) is accepted.

What are the conditions for taking the make-up exam?

To take the make-up exam, It is obligatory to register for the relevant courses in the academic year in which the exam will be held and to meet the requirements for taking the final exam for these courses.

Which students cannot take the final exam?

Students failing to be absent cannot take the final exam, and the success grade (F0) of these students is recorded in the information system.

Which excuses are valid for the make-up exam?

In case of illness, The disease must be documented with a report of at least 3 (three) days (excluding private practice), and the report must be submitted to the relevant Department Head within 3 (three) days at the latest from the end of the report.

In case of death of first-degree relatives or urgent hospitalization;

In case of traffic accidents and natural disasters, it must be submitted to the relevant Department Head within 3 (three) days at the latest from the exam date.

In case of detention and detention that does not last longer than 21 working days in theoretical courses and 14 working days in others;

If the student could not take the exam due to the assignment made by the university or other official institutions for a national or international competition, sporting activity, or similar reason,

If there is a conflict in the exam schedule of the double major program and the major program, the right to the make-up exam is given.

If the student could not take the exam due to an excuse other than all the excuses listed above, they must document this excuse. For information on how these rights will be exercised, please review the Acceptance of Excuses for the Mid-Semester Exam and the Principles of Conducting Excuse Exams (DD-007).

How many days after the grades' announcement can a petition be filed?

The student may request a re-examination of the exam paper by applying to the Dean of the Faculty to which they are affiliated, with a petition within one week of the announcement of the mid-term and end-of-term exam results.

When can I take the single course exam? When should I apply to take the exam?

You must apply on the days specified in the Academic Calendar.

What is a Passing Grade in a Single Course Exam?

Single Course Success grade CC.

How many semesters can a student with a valid excuse freeze registration?

A student may be granted a maximum of four semesters of leave during the study period. However, suppose the reasons for the leave persist. In that case, the leave may be extended for two more semesters with the decision of the relevant administrative board and the approval of the University Administrative Board.

What is the maximum duration of the study?

Except for the one-year foreign language preparatory class, starting from the semester in which the courses related to the program they are registered are given, regardless of whether they are registered for each semester, a maximum of four years (8 semesters) in associate degree programs with a two-year education period, and a maximum of seven (14 semesters) in undergraduate programs with a four-year education period.

What happens if the student cannot graduate within the maximum study period? Is the exam allowed?

Students who have a maximum of five courses that they have never taken from the courses they are responsible for in the education plan for graduation and who have failed courses with F0, FF, FD, and DD grades by registering for courses before; A total of two additional exams are given for all failed courses with F0, FF, FD, DD grades.

What are the graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Business Administration Program?

For the student to be eligible for graduation, they must complete all the courses, practices, internships, and similar studies in the curriculum of a department/program with a minimum of 240 ECTS credits and a weighted grade point average of at least (2.00).

What documents are given when getting a diploma?

The dismissal process is done through the Student Information System. In case the student has any debts (fees, library, extension, etc.), they are directed to the relevant units.

Delivery of Student Identity Card (Students whose Student Identity Card is missing must bring a letter or report from the Police Department stating that their student ID has been lost or stolen.

Submission of the original identity card, or Passport or Marriage Certificate,

International students receiving a scholarship from T.C. Prime Ministry Turkish and Related Communities Presidency must bring a document showing their scholarship has been terminated.

What should be done in case of loss of a Temporary Graduation Certificate and Diploma?

Click on the link for information on what to do in case of loss of diploma or temporary graduation certificate.

In which cases the student's registration is deleted?

A student may be granted a maximum of four semesters of leave during the study period. However, suppose the reasons for the leave persist. In that case, the leave can be extended for two more semesters with the decision of the relevant administrative board and the approval of the University Administrative Board. The record is then deleted.

I forgot my OBS login password; what should I do?

You should send an e-mail to

Where can I get the student certificate?

You can get your student certificate directly from e-government or our Dean's Office.

Where can I get the transcript?

You can get your transcript directly via e-government or by going to our Dean's Office.

Where can I get a student ID card? What should I do if it is lost?

You can get it from the Department Secretariat. You have to apply to the E-star office regarding your lost cards.

How can I access forms and petitions?

You can reach the forms and petitions from the Yıldız Technical University Quality Coordination-Forms page (

What is horizontal transfer, and what are its types?

You can get information from

What are the horizontal transfer conditions?

Transfer conditions and required documents are published on the website of the Registrar's Office (